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Momilates® Mommy & Me!

Momilates® is an intense core conditioning class designed by personal trainer, Pilates instructor, and Mom Annie Martens. This exercise routine is designed to include Baby and strengthen baby with stimulating, age-appropriate songs and activities. While engaging baby, the class will include 45-60 minutes of core conditioning exercises that will make Mom's tummy sing! As a mother herself, Anne Martens (creator of Momilates®) understands that motherhood brings about particular stresses and strains in the body. So, in addition to exercises that strengthen your core, class will include stretches for tight neck and shoulders and principles on lifting weight (such as baby and car seat) to help reduce strain on your back, shoulders, knees and wrists.

Postpartum exercise and Mommy and Me exercise deserves special treatment for a safe and effective workout. Momilates® instructors are certified fitness professionals with an additional certification in Momilates®. These instructors are taught how to work with a mom and her baby to create a healthy welcoming environment. Momilates® instructors have extensive education on how to include modifications for a woman who is healing from birth (Caesarean or vaginal), caring for a baby/child, nursing, and more.

Furthermore, certified Momilates® instructors are educated to understand the core as whole and how the muscles of the core (pelvic floor, back, buttocks, diaphragm, inner thighs, and others) work together to promote a long and lean body. For a safe and effective workout, it is imperative that some traditional Pilates are modified for the postpartum individual. During pregnancy, our abdominal muscles stretch to accommodate our growing babies. Particular exercises with forward flexion (such as a crunch or sit-up) postpartum may inhibit abdominal strength and increase the appearance of the "mummy tummy." Momilates® instructors are trained to know, understand, and educate Mothers on postpartum Pilates modifications.

So, are you ready, to show off your baby's cute tummy by narrowing yours?

  • Would you like to avoid the need for child care while working out?

  • Would you like to avoid the expense of a yearly gym membership?

  • Are you interested in meeting other moms in the community to create lasting friendships?

  • Are you interested in exercises to promote well-being for yourself and your baby?

Momilates® is the answer!

See Schedule and Sign Up