Fox News "5 Great Pregnancy Workouts" Features Bella Bellies!
Five Great Pregnancy Workouts!
Five Great Pregnancy Workouts features Bella Bellies! Bella Bellies / myself (Annie), had the opportunity to collaborate with Fox News Reporter, Julie Relevant of Healthy Mama! As the owner of Bella Bellies, I am passionate about promoting health and well-being during every stage of motherhood. Working with Fox New Magazine in video and in print has been an outlet for me to share all this information with. Julie Relevant of Healthy Mama is an amazing writer and offers sound advice for every stage of motherhood. It was great fun to share my background and understanding of prenatal movement and exercise with Julie. Continue following my blog to receive prenatal exercise tips, child birth education tips, tips for motherhood...and Check out the article below:
What are some of the benefits of prenatal exercise?
- Encourages a healthier pregnancy, labor and delivery for both mom and baby
- Improves Mom and Babies vital scores after delivery
- Helps to reduce the onset of osteoporosis for Mom
- Helps to reduce the onset of postpartum depression
- Helps to reduce swelling and inflammation during pregnancy
- And more!
What is Bella Bellies Prenatal Pilates & Stretch Class?
This class integrates Pilates exercises and Yoga-based stretches for a renewed sense of strength and well-being. The class includes modifications appropriate for each trimester and fitness level, thereby challenging and motivating women at any stage in their pregnancy. The class will focus on exercising the muscles which tend to weaken during pregnancy and muscles which tend to tighten during pregnancy. An additional emphasis will stress the importance of proper core conditioning to prevent over-stretching and widening of the abdominal muscles. Overall, an emphasis will be placed on exercises which help promote strength and well-being during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.
If you are interested in finding a Bella Bellies Prenatal Exercise Class in your area, please contact me (Annie) at info@bellabellies.com. Also, join our growing community on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/bellabelliesfit and twitter at #bellabelliesfit.
Bella Bellies
I read this story some time ago and wanted to share it with you. The great Maya Angelo travelled across Africa and documented her findings. To a surprised American audience, she later shared an experience she had during a female, tribal, communal bath. During the bath, the women surrounding her began to cry for her after seeing Maya's belly. Maya Angelo asked why and they expressed sadness for her that she did not have any children. Maya explained to them that she did in fact have children, but did not have any stretch marks or loose skin as a consequence of her pregnancies. The women then expressed their sympathies, because in their culture stretch marks and loose skin are considered an honor of motherhood. In fact, the women of this tribe and the surrounding tribes, proudly display their abdomens after having babies. Something to consider right? Our bellies are beautiful!
New Exercise Routine; Bella Bellies Plyometrics!
I modified the traditional Plyometric Routine so it is low impact (yet still effective), does not require a gym and is a practice you may incorporate your Stroller / Child into. I included video to demonstrate the exercise moves. I filmed the demo. exercises at home so my toddler and cat make a special appearance. I also, included some options for including the stroller.
Confession: Around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I long for a mid-day nap / siesta. But, 3:00 is when my daughter's afternoon activities start, and, 50% of those activities I have volunteered to teach.
Therefore, I must muster up the energy to corral, teach and entertain 37 Girl Scout Daisies, and / or instruct 12-15 Creative Movement Students, and / or co-assist in religious education, and / or drive my daughter to music class, and / or drive my daughter and over-see her seasonal sport participation... All while shuffling and providing for our baby son, whose mommy and me activities have consumed my 9-3 schedule.
As most of you know keeping up with our children's interests requires a lot of energy -a lot.
Conflict: Caffeine consumption after 3:00 PM interferes with one's sleep cycle
Resolution: I have been working on this exercise routine to give us the 3:00 "POW" we need to get through the 3:00-8:00 PM part of the day. This is not just "any 'ole" exercise routine -oh-no this is plyometrics, with a big shot of "BAM" to wake us up.
Plyometrics? -Yep. Plyometrics is the answer to the mysterious, competitive advantage the Eastern Euopeans had during the 1970 Olympics. And let's be honest, keeping up with our children feels herculean, and every parent deserves a gold medal at the end of the day. Also, according to the American College of Sports Medicine, plyometric training may strengthen and regenerate bone tissue, helping to prevent osteoporosis.
How it Works: Plyometrics incorporates quick lengthening and shortening of the muscles
Important Components of the Plyometrics Exercise Routine:
- Consult your health care provider(s) before beginning this exercise routine or any exercise routine
- It is important to thoroughly warm-up and cool-down
- Do not perform the Plyometric Drills or Exercise Routines on consecutive days
- Do not perform exercises if too fatigued or not feeling well
- Exercise with proper shoe and clothing apparel and on a surface that is ideal for a controlled, safe landing that is shock absorbing.
- Keep your rhythm, if the bending phase (concentric phase) of the movement is too long the energy created by the muscle fibers sliding over one another (sliding filament theory) is diffused and dissipated as heat. (Radcliffe & Farentinos 1999). Also if the rhythm is lost the number of motor units is also lowered, thereby lowering the force exerted (myotatic reflux).
4 Exercises in Total to Incorporate; - Squats, Lunges, Skater Lunges and Push-Ups:
Again, I filmed this exercise at home, in our backyard...so keep an eye out for my toddler and kitty. Also, I only filmed the exercises as a demonstration video, so I do not perform all the sets and repetitions.
1) Choose from one of the Squats Below - Option A "Squat with Heel Raises" or Option B "Squat Jumps" .
After selecting Option A or Option B, Perform 12-15 repetitions, for 3 sets and rest (while staying in motion) for 15 seconds in-between sets by marching or walking.
Option A - Squats with Heel Raises;
Demo-Video at Bella Bellies You Tube Channel:
[youtubesc url="http://youtu.be/oUY6YK-Fxgk" rel="0"]
Option B - Squat Jumps;
Demo-Video at Bella Bellies You Tube Channel:
[youtubesc url="http://youtu.be/sLGRbcfSjKs" rel="0"]
2) Choose from one of the Lunges Below - Option A "Lunge with Knee Pull-In" or Option B "Lunge with Knee Pull-In Jump" .
After selecting Option A or Option B, Perform 12-15 repetitions, for 3 sets and rest (while staying in motion) for 15 seconds in-between sets by marching or walking.
Option A - Lunge with Knee Pull-In;
Demo-Video at Bella Bellies You Tube Channel:
[youtubesc url="http://youtu.be/ra1lVIjPISM" rel="0"]
Option B - Lunge with Jump;
Demo-Video at Bella Bellies You Tube Channel:
[youtubesc url="http://youtu.be/8T5Vepg-kHI" rel="0"]
3) Choose from one of the Skater Lunges Below - Option A "Skater Lunges", Option B "Skater Lunges Moving Front and Back" or Option C "Skater Lunges with Jumps".
After selecting Option A, Option B or Option C, Perform 12-15 repetitions, for 3 sets and rest (while staying in motion) for 15 seconds in-between sets by marching or walking.Option A - Skater Lunges :
Demo-Video at Bella Bellies You Tube Channel:
[youtubesc url="http://youtu.be/XcjAEWx2KmA" rel="0"]
Option B - Skater Lunges Moving Forward-Back:
Demo-Video at Bella Bellies You Tube Channel:
[youtubesc url="http://youtu.be/YsVty4WFQ6s" rel="0"]
Option C - Skater Lunges with Jump:
Demo-Video at Bella Bellies You Tube Channel:
[youtube_sc url="http://youtu.be/OlRsmxygL1o" rel="0"]
4) Choose from one of the Push Ups Option Below - Option A "Push Ups Against the Wall with Arm Shift" or Option B "Traditional Push Ups with Arm Shift".
After selecting Option A or Option B, Perform 12-15 repetitions, for 3 sets and rest (while staying in motion) for 15 seconds in-between sets by marching or walking.
Option A - Push-Ups Against the Wall with Arm Shift:
I did not include a video for this example. Modify the video below by push-up-ing against a wall
Option B - Push-Ups in Traditional Plank with Arm Shift:
If you have a diastasis rectus abdominus or are still in a phase where you may develop a diastasis rectus abdominus, modify with
Demo-Video at Bella Bellies You Tube Channel:
[youtube_sc url="http://youtu.be/Pa95vsOcnpk" rel="0"]
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